Restoration Projects
1966 - 69 Priory Barn
Previously a derelict estate barn, a gift from Miss M E Stephenson, restored and converted for the Trust’s future use.
1970 - 74 Lynchetts
A gift from Mrs O M Walker; sold on a long lease.
1971 - 72 Priory Cottage
Restored and converted
1977 - 79 Silver Street House
Bought and converted into flats; sold on long leases
1980 - 82 Pippet Buildings
A derelict row of shops, restored; sold on long leases.
1985 - 2003 Landscape
Planted 65,000 bulbs, 2000 trees and shrubs; Moulton beeches 1997
1990 - 91 Market Street
Numbers 9, 10 and 11 restored; sold on long leases.
1998 - 2003 Barton Grange Farm
Medieval farmyard acquired; West Barn rebuilt; opened by HRH the Prince of Wales; other buildings and walls repaired.
1999 - 2000 Newtown Spout
Flow restored to new spout with Millennial symbols
2003 - 07 Roman Bathhouse Wall Plaster
Thousands of painted fragments, excavated c.1970, sorted, conserved, interpreted and displayed.
2014 Hen's Orchard and lean-to at Barton farmyard
Planting of a community orchard of traditional fruit trees and rebuilding of a lean-to in Barton farmyard to store kit for use in the Tithe barn and tools for use in the orchard.
2016 The Iron Duke
Restoring for public display the Iron Duke. A 19th century calendering (rubber rolling) machine made for the Kingston Mills rubber factory and preserved in bits since the factory closed. This project was pursued jointly with the Museum Society.
2019 The Pillbox at Barton Bridge
A generous gift from Mrs Elizabeth Cartwright-Hignett of Iford Manor made it possible for us to surface the path approaching the pillbox and provide an information board.