New trees for Hens’ Orchard

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During January and February, while observing Covid 19 rules, we managed to plant six new trees, all donated by Trust members or Friends of the Orchard. We also replaced one which had failed last year.

The new trees are: Morello Cherry, Bramley Apple, Merton Glory Apple, Crabapple, Comice Pear and a Purple Hazel.

There are now 38 trees in the orchard. After the planting, again observing the rules, we pruned the other trees. They’re all looking quite healthy and we hope for a good harvest despite not being able to have a Wassail this year!

Last summer many of the trees produced a good crop but sadly, most of the apples disappeared, quite suddenly, before ripening. A bit of a mystery – but it’s a community orchard and we can’t prevent people taking the fruit. We can only hope there’s not a repeat of that this year.

The Orchard is a popular place and passers-by often express their enjoyment and ask about its story. We’re really pleased that Simon Relph’s idea is literally bearing fruit.


A place to promenade, a place to play.


The day that the wall came down.